Larry and Qin Herzberg
Larry Herzberg and Qin Herzberg, a married couple, are professors of Chinese language and culture at Calvin College in Michigan. They travel to China every year, both with students and without, and have been featured travel experts on MSNBC and other outlets. Qin and Larry live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and are also co-authors of Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar: A Student’s Guide to Correct Structures and Common Errors (Stone Bridge Press, 2011) and Chinese Proverbs and Popular Sayings: With Observations on Culture and Language (Stone Bridge Press, 2012).
Larry Herzberg did his PhD work in Chinese and founded the Chinese language programs at Albion College and Calvin College; he is also a professional violinist. In 2011 Larry was awarded the Presidential Award for Exemplary Teaching, the highest honor that Calvin College bestows on a faculty member.
Qin Xue Herzberg, a graduate of Beijing Normal University, has taught Chinese for decades and has been an upper-level Chinese professor at Calvin College for more than ten years.