Pulitzer Prize-Winning writer/poet, Forrest Gander has provided his thoughts on Hiroaki Sato's, Forty-Seven Samurai.
"The vengeance of the 47 Samurai, depicted in innumerable films (including a recent Hollywood version for which Keanu Reeves goes ronin) is both fact and legend. That flash of violence and bravado— and whatever else it was— ended in an afternoon. This book is the scaffolding under that flash.
It is also a kind of detective non-fiction. Here are the warring claims to how the incident came to pass; here are contemporary accounts, but also the vivid poems, plays, stories and penal codes that have been blowing along the trail behind that act of vengeance into this very moment."
A big thank you to Mr. Gander for his kind words! We are all excited for the release of Forty-Seven Samurai: A Tale of Vengeance and Death in Haiku and Letters.
To pre-order your copy head here: https://www.stonebridge.com/catalog/forty-seven-samurai-a-tale-of-vengeance-and-suicide-in-haiku-and-letters
Save the book to your Goodreads "want to read" list here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/47569703-forty-seven-samurai